Day i, Sunday, May 7, 2023. Not my first official day, that’ll be tomorrow. But after returning from a road trip, my weight crossing the 200lb mark, I spent all day today reading and applying The 4 Hour Body book by Tim Ferriss. By lunchtime decided to go for it. I looked in my kitchen and the only protein available was quality hot dogs. So I cooked up a skillet of sliced hot dog with pinto beans, cooking them together. Then I sauteed fresh spinach in another skillet, one of my all-time favorite veggie side. Made for a pretty good first lunch.
From the freezer brought out a variety of meats to thaw during the week (pork chops, bone-in chicken thighs, a ham steak, and chicken breasts, which I put marinade with (balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper and Italian seasoning).
Slow carb diet recipes begin
I cut out all sugar, milk, and cheese. (I had indulged in a lot of sweets, candy, and desserts on the road trip.) Switched to monk fruit sweetener for my coffee, with whole cream: about 1-2 teaspoons (up to 1 T.) per cup of coffee. After my Italian espresso in the morning, I switch to Cafe Americano (adding a little boiling water to the double espresso shot), then the sweetener and whole cream.
Don’t have to plan out my meals for the week like I usually do. This diet plan is very simple and affordable. Our pantry is already stocked with a variety of both dried and canned beans. Canned beans are the best as they are quick and easy. I’m thawing out several meats. We have several veggies on hand, fresh, frozen and canned, including two containers of fresh baby spinach. I don’t have to put much onto the grocery list, mainly Greek yogurt, monk fruit sweetener, sparkling water, and macadamia oil, which Tim lists as one of the best oils for high-heat cooking. We also have avocado and peanut oils, which I use for heat cooking, and virgin olive oil for low heat and salad dressing. Hubby later told me the macadamia oil was quite expensive, so we won’t get that regularly. (He does the weekly grocery shopping. Yes, I’m that lucky.)
Slow carb diet menu for eating out
Uh-oh! I’m getting ready to leave for my brand-new affirming house church this evening (we call it Group), and I was reminded that we’re supposed to bring our own supper food. I hadn’t remembered or prepared. But in the 4 hour body book it’s mentioned that Chipotle is a great place to get food, as you can build your own meat salad with beans – fresh avocado or guacamole is also recommended once in a while. So I stop there on the way and get a Salad bowl with a base of romaine, topped with Chicken Pastor, lots of veggies, beans, and guacamole. It’s so much food I can only eat half of it at home church, so I save the rest for tomorrow’s lunch. I can have red wine on this 4 hr body plan, but choose not to and also skip the cheeses and crackers and cookies at Group. It’s easy as my supper is filling and Group is stimulating.
Tim recommends Mexican and Thai foods for the easiest way to stay on the slow carb diet menu – any place which abounds in protein, beans, and veggies. One can always get a meat salad at just about any restaurant, and it’s okay if you miss the beans here or there at a meal. (I don’t have them at breakfast.)
Prep day – half-day on the 4 hour body slow carb plan
Sunday was very easy. I also took the time today to take my measurements per the 4 hour body book:
- Right upper arm: 13.5″
- Left upper arm: 13.5″
- Waist: 36″
- Hips: 45″
- Left upper leg: 26″
- Right upper leg: 26″
- Both upper legs together: 42″
Though not part of these measurements, if you’re interested, my bosom is 42″.
4 hr body tool: smart scale
I also looked into the various body measurement methods/tools Tim recommends, and the most accurate are well over a hundred dollars each. Out of my budget. So I researched smart scales, his next affordable option (though not as accurate), and found one with high reviews and a great price tag, Renpho for around $29 with a beautiful faux-marble design, and ordered it (their basic black one is only $18 currently). It will arrive tomorrow, yay for Amazon!
Prep and first half-day was easy peasy
I’ll take my Before Photos tomorrow morning.